giveaway :: magazine
My sister told me yesterday that she's been checking and waiting for me to update my blog, and that it's been over a week since I last wrote here! I know, I know. Life just got in the way.
So, without further rambling (I'm pretty good at that, aren't I), here is the little giveaway I have.
Two different prizes for two different people. And they're all about magazines and zines.
First up:
The launch issue of Peppermint Magazine - Fresh, Green, Fashion. This is a locally Brisbane produced magazine all about eco fashion, and ethics in the fashion and homewares industries. This is a funky and fun read. Lots of fantastic snippets about Australian (and International) designers and crafters, linking you up to some great new loves for fashion, accessories and homewares. With a well written, easy to read and compelling article about the story of the cotton industry.
And the fashion shoot is really sweet - a 'real woman' modelling some beautiful and quirky outfits. Issue #2 is in the works as I write (well, around the life of a toddler!!). Go and become a Peppermint Fan on facebook, to find out the latest info (though I'll let you know here as well). And, of course, printed on 100% recycled paper. What more could you want in a magazine?
Two little zines that I bought off this great New Zealand site (similar to Etsy, but exchange rate so much nicer for us Aussies!) - Felt. It's called World Sweet World - how could you resist reading something with that title. Issue #2 and #3 in this little giveaway pack. These are full colour zines printed on paper from sustainably managed forests, using vegetable based inks. They are jam packed full of quirky NZ (and expat) designers, fun recycling projects (how to make a hoodie out of t-shirts, a hand bag out of some vinyl records), excellent reads about craftism and activism, even a story about eco-friendly coffins!
Second pack:
Includes the Peppermint Magazine along with the premier issue of Mix Tape Zine, which is now well into it's second year of production. This is a fun little Australian zine about craft and recycling and making and... well, you guessed it.... the environment. The cover alone is fun and so representative of what the zine is all about.
As you see, my magazines all have a few things in common.The zines I'm giving away as I am trying to declutter and really this is the best way of recycling. The two Peppermint Magazines are straight from the editor, and I wanted two of my lovely lovely readers to get to see this beautifully edited, refreshing magazine.
So, to enter all you need to do is leave a comment, telling me about your favourite magazine(s). I'll leave it open for maybe a week or so, to give you all a chance to enter.
And on the subject of magazines. I wanted to show you my newest one. - Stitch Magazine. The most I have ever ever ever paid for a tiny little magazine (due to the exchange rate and the postage rates this thing cost me $25AU!!!). But I have pored over each page many many times, and enjoyed it all so much. It includes patterns for three skirts - at least one of which I am hoping (hoping hoping) to make sometime this week. (I saw this one here, and it gave me more urge to make it). As well as directions to make many other crafty projects.
I'd seen this magazine all over blogland, and am so glad that I ignored the price as I have been really enjoying this. I hope they do another issue - this one is called "special issue", implying a one-off?
Lastly I want to thank all of you for your sweet, kind and generous words over the past week (about my friendship post). It means so much to me that you take the time to comment and give me love and friendship and strength. While I wish that I could reply to each comment, time is running away from me too quickly. I do always try and visit your blogs - and then I find wonderful inspiration and colours and life.
Thank you. Take care. xx
So, without further rambling (I'm pretty good at that, aren't I), here is the little giveaway I have.
Two different prizes for two different people. And they're all about magazines and zines.
The launch issue of Peppermint Magazine - Fresh, Green, Fashion. This is a locally Brisbane produced magazine all about eco fashion, and ethics in the fashion and homewares industries. This is a funky and fun read. Lots of fantastic snippets about Australian (and International) designers and crafters, linking you up to some great new loves for fashion, accessories and homewares. With a well written, easy to read and compelling article about the story of the cotton industry.
Includes the Peppermint Magazine along with the premier issue of Mix Tape Zine, which is now well into it's second year of production. This is a fun little Australian zine about craft and recycling and making and... well, you guessed it.... the environment. The cover alone is fun and so representative of what the zine is all about.
So, to enter all you need to do is leave a comment, telling me about your favourite magazine(s). I'll leave it open for maybe a week or so, to give you all a chance to enter.
And on the subject of magazines. I wanted to show you my newest one. - Stitch Magazine. The most I have ever ever ever paid for a tiny little magazine (due to the exchange rate and the postage rates this thing cost me $25AU!!!). But I have pored over each page many many times, and enjoyed it all so much. It includes patterns for three skirts - at least one of which I am hoping (hoping hoping) to make sometime this week. (I saw this one here, and it gave me more urge to make it). As well as directions to make many other crafty projects.
I'd seen this magazine all over blogland, and am so glad that I ignored the price as I have been really enjoying this. I hope they do another issue - this one is called "special issue", implying a one-off?
Thank you. Take care. xx