Shipping information

We post using Australia Post, and all parcels have tracking. You’ll receive an email with your tracking number. Please check this before you contact me, as it is much easier. If your parcel is delayed then contact me to follow up.

We generally pack orders twice a week (we don’t have a dedicated packing person). But if your order is more urgent please contact me before you place the order to see if I can pack it more quickly. Usually I can do this for you.

You order will be packed in compostable bags, so you can either recycle or put it straight into your compost bin. Yay!

Within Australia:

Flat rate $15AU +gst.
Depending on where you live it can take up to 10 business days to arrive, though it is often quicker.


Postage is calculated at checkout, and depends on the weight of your parcel as well as the destination. If my websites overcharges you, then I refund the difference. The charges often range from $25 - $35AU.

Depending on where you live it can sometimes take 3 weeks to arrive, so please do be patient.

FAQs about shipping