Contact me
Suite 230, 118-124 Main St,
NSW, 2484
*I love receiving gifts in the mail - who doesn’t! Please know that if you’re a business and want to send me something, I can’t promise to share everything to my online community. BUT I do share things that are aligned, useful and connect my audience.
I am open to offering giveaways for your new product, book, online course or offering - send me an email, so we can chat.
I don’t accept applications for blog contributions to my website, so please don’t be offended if I either don’t get to replying to you, or the answer if no.
put the kettle on & let’s chat
The most important thing for me, about being online, is the connections and community that is created around our shared moments.
I love receiving your emails and notes, updates on things you’re making and being given a glimpse into your life. Send me an email just to say hi - I’m a real person, smiling, crying, and living with a raw heart.
If you want to reach out to see how we can work together, please do fill in the form below. I would love love to hear from you - and to see how we can collaborate together.
Here’s just some things I do & like doing, and things we might work on together:
building you a website
creative coaching & clarity for your business (either new or evolving)
collaborating on workshops together - have you got a venue you’d like to invite me along to? Or joining forces to make a whole new event based on our individual strengths
writing, photography, styling for your magazine, book, website, product launch
showcasing your business through my own channels (instagram, blog posts, newsletter subscribers)