inspirational challenge

I've decided that I'm going to set myself a little sort of blogging challenge. What I've been thinking is that I'm going to post everyday about things that inspired me that day. Photos mainly, but also words. As I don't always carry the camera, or can't always take a picture when I see it, and then it's happened. It's sometimes a little bit hard with an eight-month old hanging off my hip - often wanting to grapple with the camera. So, regardless of any "dramas" or difficulties or hassles I encounter during my day, I'm still wanting to enjoy and take notice of and enjoy those little aspects of the day. The parts sometimes I ignore, or don't have the thought process to take time to soak up.

Today it was the wind that swept me up. We've been having such lovely breezes over the last few days, zooming through the open windows, swishing papers and such about. These sort of breezes really wake me up, energise me. Of course, if it becomes too windy then I just feel ruffled.

I took a few photos this morning of my latest projects. I've been on a bit of a sewing rush lately. Very fun, productive, creative. I've been sneaking off to the sewing table - everyone finds me of course, much like Amanda! Some bags from Amy's book, and ideas for finishing a skirt I had - cut out and sitting in one of my sewing baskets.

My finished skirt - jumping fish fabric from my Aunt A wrap-around. I love it. And, when you see a photo of me like this, remember that I'm a "Milking Mama"!

And the wind whipping through Mishy's hair. The way that the breeze made her jump and squeal with delight, and the smiles across her chubby little face. Oh, those teeth. Only two weeks ago she had a toothless grin, now almost four sharp pointy nippers. (And nippers, yes - she's learning how to use them, on me!).

I finally made a bag for myself. The way that I wanted it - pink flowers and birds. Now, back to sewing presents for other people.

Hmmmm, so.... If anyone is interested in joining me in this little challenge for the next week - of posting images or words of the things most inspirational from that day - let me know, as I'd love to see your posts and I'll link you here.


a tale of a nap and a sleep-over


the act of letting go