Screen Printing Workshops

I'm getting back into the swing of workshops. Excited to be sharing my screen printing skills and tricks. I haven't done any workshops all year, so it's great I've finally found a space to have some fun and teach some fun techniques. 

I recently made a little trip up to a sweet fabric shop at Palm Beach, Qld (sorry, not the Sydney, NSW Palm Beach, as I mistakenly lead a few astray on Instagram!). It's called I Just Love that Fabric, which is exactly what Susie the owner does - loves fabric. Boy it was lovely walking into a fabric shop that "gets" beautiful real fabric. Someone who knows all the designers and their seasons, a place to see and feel hand printed fabrics - a place that supports Australian designed and made fabrics. Oh yes, such a place does exist. It seems that fabric shops are becoming few and far between, what with online buying so easy. But nothing can beat chatting with a real person who loves fabric as much as you do, laying out the roll of fabric along the beautiful wooden cutting table and talking about projects and possible uses. And just oohing and aahhing about fabric in general. 

Susie and I hatched the idea of me running some screen printing workshops in her lovely shop. I met Susie when she came to one of my workshops that I ran at Hey Maker last year, and it was so good to chat with someone who knew fabric, and loved it so much. How exciting to be doing some workshops within the walls surrounded by all the goodness of that fabric. 

So, for all those people who have been asking me when I'm going to do some more screen printing workshops. Here you go! We have three dates scheduled. Each class will be small, with only 6 bookings maximum, which means more time for printing and asking questions and actually learning a new skill. My aim is for you to be able to continue printing at home, making gifts for family and friends, or zhoosing up your home or kids' wardrobe. Let me tell you, seeing your design on fabric is such a great feeling. A Jumping up and down with excitement feeling! Watch this lovely video which gives you a small feeling of a printing day with me.

The workshop is $125 - dates are Sunday 8th Sept 9am-1pm, Sunday 27th Oct 9am-1pm and Sunday 24th Nov 9am-1pm. 

You can make bookings through my online shop, or contact Susie - details on her website.

practicing simplicity / the "i" issue!


a bit of lovin' :: bloglovin'