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just a bit mad......

Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I've got a busy weekend coming up. It's Ari's birthday, and we're having a Mad Hatter's Tea Party themed party. Eeeekkkk. I'm still trying to figure out exactly how to make it look all mad hatterish, without spending heaps of money and lots of time to make it work. Hoping the sunshine will hold out so we can be outside, and not have 20 kids running around inside!

Ari wants to theme himself on Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter. I wouldn't mind to look a little like Mia Wasikowska, but I'll be wearing this outfit (it's already made and requires no extra effort). Ari + Mish have both asked me to sew them a 'patchwork shirt' and 'little dress', just sew it up today, mummy. No worries at all. 

Why oh why do I keep adding to my list of things to do, instead of sticking with crossing off the one list and trying to keep my life simple and slow and quiet - where I can breathe steadily and deeply. My slow project has been rapidly pushed to the backburner, as I feel my heart beat and mind running ahead of me. The next few months are going to test me and my ability to multi-task, and not have a breakdown, and manage to do the washing up and keep some food in the house as well {had to ask my sister to bring some lunch to school for Ari today, as I haven't managed to go shopping since we got home from holiday!!}.

So - xxxxxxx Enjoy your weekend.

{*Alice + Mad Hatter images from here. The animal ones were taken while on our holiday at the Cairns Zoo}.