colours from the dye pot

There's been a bit of dying and pot boiling this past week. Mainly experiments with blown eggs, for Easter - mainly as fun activities with the kids.
I threw some fabric scraps into the left over dye water; just to see what would result.
I used some silk scraps left over from the workshop. And some pieces of my hemp + organic cotton. 
I'm really excited by of the results. Some were not so exciting - but easy enough to dye over.
All have been washed, but not, as you can see, been ironed. They've been sitting around for a few days now, and some fading has happened. I'll have to test this a bit more. 

Beetroot resulted in the pink colour. {bottom photos}
Red Cabbage gave the purplish colour. {bottom photos}
The skins of mangosteen gave a more faded sort of pinkish hue - seemed to work better on the hemp than on the silk. {top two photos}

No mordants or anything used, as I'm just at the stages of trialling small pots in my kitchen and not wanting to have a whole lot of things boiling.


temple in the sunroom


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