quiet market days are good for chatting
If you've never been over to Portside before, do come by next month when we'll all do it all over again. It's a lovely venue and the quality of stallholders is very high and very friendly. Including some BrisStylettes ~ Ruby2GoGo, BlossomChild, Hot Toffee, Rellesh, Little Diva, Taybian Design, Sandrine Marsh.
The sprinkle of customers who came by where lovely, and admired (a smaller few bought). Being Ekka weekend, we should have expected the quietness.
Anyway, one of the good things about a slow and quiet market is, you can chat with your lovely guest helpers.
Firstly my sweet and dear dear friend Christy dropped by, with Brian and their kissable little Oliver. They brought me a box of stock I'd left at home. And they took a Peppermint Mag home with them.
Ms Kelley herself stopped by a few moments (silly people making her miss ferries, and then other silly people arriving an hour early for their appointment meant she didn't even have time to sit down before she had to rush home again).
The most talking and dreaming and planning was with ever so stylish Danielle. She's just returned from an adventure in US. Visiting friends, and exploring felt exhibitions. Wearing the most adorable red scarf she'd knitted herself, and stripey red stockings. If she and I have our way (which, we will), there is amazing exciting fantabulous news in the coming weeks. So stay tuned.
I did come home with a perfect little outfit for Mishi. I'll take photos and feature it tomorrow, as it really does deserve it's own post!
Good night. xxx
*sorry, photos are from the Boutique Market and Portside websites. Left my camera at home this morning.