the bowl of your hands

my brother left a comment on my blog, last week, which lead to a little email conversation.

these two little simple yet perfect images from him - no photos, only words. but for all of us word-smiths, that should be enough shouldn't it?

last week while he was driving home he saw a baby echidna. So small it could fit into the cup of his hands. imagine, please, this teeny tiny little precious creature. so fragile, delicate, soft and small - yet hard quills, for protection (though being a baby they were possibly still a bit soft).

this weekend it was a tiny golden crowned snake, that, also, could have fit into the bowl of his hands.


This blog has brought me so many things. So many unexpected, yet wonderful friendships. And, in that same way, it has changed a friendship with my brother - who reads my blog (which I love). It's opened a communication of sorts. Emailing seems easier to write and say things, than talking in person or on the phone.


Okay - this is the de-lurking post! I would love to find out about you, why you visit here, what you like (or don't like) about this little spot of mine. I'd love to hear from family, friends, near and far, those I've met and those I haven't. So, please leave a comment. And, yes - I have a little something that I'm making (almost finished, I promise) as a little thank you and a giveaway for you being my special guests here. So, come on - all our lurkers out there. Say hello!

Edited 28/10/08. Photo of golden crowned snake, taken by my brother, here.
Have a look at some of his other small things photos - the tiny aspects you don't notice so often, when walking in the bush.



party preparation