summery market day

Well, after a busy and tiring two+ weeks preparing; the Southbank Young Designer's Market has come and gone.
We had quite a lovely day (albeit tiring, standing all day in the hot afternoon sun).

Only a few photos of our stall. First of all we forgot to take photos, then when we remembered the sun was too shiny on all our things. Oh well. More markets to come. This coming weekend, in fact. Our stall wasn't set up quite as we would have liked, due to market restrictions and the wind - so next time we'll take more photos, as I know it'll look more like we imagine - more the way it should.

I am so pleased and proud of what we produced. The work that Sam particularly put in these past weeks to get all our work done is amazing. And the results are simply stunning.

I for one, really like everything we had for sale. And, you know what - it's all us. Looking at what we made (and believe me, we made everything ourselves*), I see us in it all. You know when you see something and think 'hey, that's cool, or beautiful or funky or.. whatever word you may use - wish I could do something like that'. Well, that's what I think when I look at our own things. The tag we made to sew onto the cushions (and when I get to making our own screen printed bags and purses and things) is so cool - I love it. I'll take a photo tomorrow to show you.

Canvas artwork :: Sam's original hand drawn images, scanned, then printed, coated and stretched. Also matted prints of same images - right size to fit into a normal photo frame.

Hand screen printed hemp / organic cotton cushions :: Again Sam's designs, hand cut stencils, then hand screen printed (by both of us) and sewn into cushions by me. This fabric is so soft and textural to touch. I loved cutting and sewing it; using this fabric is more than just the feel - it's the thing of trying bit by bit to use things a little more environmentally conscious in their process and growing and manufacture.
Little by little we know how we want this small business to try and evolve. We have so many ideas - and can talk and talk about them together. I hope we can watch it unfold happily and successfully over the coming weeks, and months.
I have my regular fortnightly craft night tomorrow, with some lovely friends, at my beautiful sister's house (her house is beautiful, and so is she!). So, I'm off to bed to dream up what craft I can take and work on - this seems to be the only dedicated "me crafting" time of late.
Memories for Ari :: these last few days you have been saying "I don't have any time for me" or "I want some me time". You say it with such meaning, as if playing with Mishi is simply too much and you want to play on your own - and that no one ever lets you play on your own (or read a book, or listen to your own music once in a while or....).
*I do have to admit that some things we had a little bit of family help with, to get it all ready in time. Sam's parents for so helpful. His dad stayed up late helping with the printing, and his mum looked after the kids for both weekend days (long days too). And Sylve helped with kid caring (even though she was sick, and is was her only day off work), and she made a few fabric covered buttons too.

bedside table

