some sewing.....finally
Instead I made some crayon rolls. I really quite love these. They were simple enough to sew, and small enough to be able to experiment with a few unusual fabric combinations. Also, I feel that I would be able to 'jazz them up' quite easily with a few extra adornments - for future present making. Thank you for this lovely and easy tutorial. Inspiration :: cloth.paper.string :: Myriad :: three sisters :: + many more, I can't quite find now.
More fabric arrived this week. I'm happy to say that I have cut into it already :: at 3am to be precise. This was an early morning sewing, rather than late night. (I actually went to bed at 10pm, and then woke up at 3am - ready to work. Rather than staying up late, late, late and not having any energy the next day).
So, Christmas presents are happening. I can see an easy end. Really, I actually don't have that much to do :: yet, everytime I look at the calendar I remember that I don't have much time either! We are going to my Dad's on 22nd, so things need to be finished before then. (Ummmmmm.... TWO full days only!!). My mind is becoming clearer on what I need to do, and I'm feeling more optimistic. Possibly because I have just been sewing with these glorious, new fabrics and they have sparked my imagination.
Some of the Amy Butler and Kaffe Fassett have been sewn already into placemats for Sam's parents' gift. And the possibilities of the others... arhhhhh. Most of the new fabrics are for a quilt for Ari. I haven't yet finished Mishi's, but it's very close. All I have to do is the binding. I have read and read and read the instructions in Bend-the-Rules and a few library books, yet somehow my brain can't work it out. More thinking involved for me to finish that. Any tips and help?
I have long loved Kaffe Fassett. My Mum has/had (as in they no longer belong to my Mum because she doesn't belong to this land anymore :: but they are still in the bookshelves at my parent's house) many of his books. She herself was a pretty excellent knitter and crocheter. I wish I had taken more notice and remembered now how to cast on and knit one, purl two; in through the window, running round the back, out through the back door, and off jumps Jack! And each time I see Amy Butler's newest range, I fall in love all over again.