welcoming Spring with cousins

The heady, intoxicating perfume of jasmine flowers always reminds me of our wedding. Not just the day itself, but the preparation. And, of course, of Spring.

We picked these blooms while out playing with our lovely cousins (my sisters + their little ones). After a lovely treat at the bakery, we ran around the corner to a little swing set we know of, and spotted a whole fence billowing over with jasmine.

For the last few mornings when I walk into our (new, but not quite finished) kitchen, I've been met with the punjunt aroma of those little pink + white blooms. They don't last for a long time, and most of the buds don't open - once picked - but while they do last, they are enjoyed and loved.

We had jasmine for our wedding - in our hair, and wrapped around the handles of the basket our flower girl carried. We had picked the blossoms the day before, from a garden up the road from our house. Whenever we walk past the garden, and I see the tight pink buds forming and then bursting - I remember those days more than three years ago (28th August, 2004). Our main flowers we oriental lillies, with rose petals for sprinkling / throwing. But I loved having the jasmine in our flowing hair.

It's actually lovely for me to have these little personal memories of that day. It was such a magical, special, beautiful day.
This post was finally published 7th January, 2008. Maybe one day I will write more about our wedding day - for my children to have a momento (especially considering we still still haven't made our photo album!).

new blooms


home again, home again, jiggity jig