lions + lemon drinks (or parties + protests)

Ashy's party outfit was excellent. Sylv did a wonderful job - I think he was the best dressed at the party by far. Ari wouldn't wear his outfit - which made Sam quite mad + upset as he had stayed up late cutting, gluing and painting. Hopefully someone (little) wants to be a turtle some other time. I wanted to wear the turtle shell, but it was simply too small for me! The party in the park was a lovely day, filled with kids running and playing and adults talking and lots and lots of food. I didn't take as many photos as I wanted to, as Mish was having a "need cuddles" day - and I can't focus on her and the camera (other side of the lens) at the same time! Then we (the family) went back to Sylv's house for tea + fruit platter, and building of the Lego presents.

This is Lion Ash amongst the legs of my brother, my sister + me in the bottom right hand corner, feeding Mish. I really like this photo, such an unusual perspective. Thanks Jamie for taking party photos for me, and looking at things from the childrens' viewpoint.

The Save Shoalwater Bay march was good to be part of, but unfortunately not a really excellent rally protest march. We didn't march through the city, or actually very far at all - so didn't make a lot of impact. But - we were there, dressed in our '50s finest, and marching for such an important reason. Things like this happen in our backyards all the time. We need to put a stop to governments thinking they have the right to acting like this.

I think I'm starting to get a little bit sick. I can feel the sore throat tickling and clogging. Sam made me a lovely lemon, ginger + honey drink - made with luscious and juicy lemons my dad brought up from home. Home for me is always the place I grew up in, not the place I currently live in. I do wonder when I will start to think of this home as home in the same way. I guess I'm lucky enough to have two homes. Really the best way to not get sick is sleeping when my babes sleep, which means - good night.

favourite sounds (+ sights)


friday favourites