lions + lemon drinks (or parties + protests)
This is Lion Ash amongst the legs of my brother, my sister + me in the bottom right hand corner, feeding Mish. I really like this photo, such an unusual perspective. Thanks Jamie for taking party photos for me, and looking at things from the childrens' viewpoint.
I think I'm starting to get a little bit sick. I can feel the sore throat tickling and clogging. Sam made me a lovely lemon, ginger + honey drink - made with luscious and juicy lemons my dad brought up from home. Home for me is always the place I grew up in, not the place I currently live in. I do wonder when I will start to think of this home as home in the same way. I guess I'm lucky enough to have two homes. Really the best way to not get sick is sleeping when my babes sleep, which means - good night.