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This; Today

This morning we woke up in the dark, and warmed the chai to go into the thermos.
We drove along with our high beams on, wondering if we'd see any foxes along the road, or what other animals we may spot.
Slowly slowly, ever so slowly we saw the first light creep into the sky as our car headed closer to the coast.
The kids spoke in excited and joyful voices - at seeing the morning begin.

We walked along the sandy path, with the sky now light enough so that we could see without a torch. We marvelled at how quickly the light was filling the sky, even though the sun had not yet peeked over the horizon.

Eventually we walked up the final steps and the kids excitedly pointed out that the lighthouse still had it's light shining. They'd only ever seen it during daylight hours, and hadn't even realised it was still a working lighthouse!

A little cloud sat exactly where the sun was coming up, and created a golden glow. It also seemed to extend the moment of 'sunrise' for a few moments, which was lovely as the others were a tad bit late for actual sunrise! Due to all the clouds it wasn't the most spectacular sunrise I've seen from Fingal Headland, but still beautiful none-the-less. And made even more special by the breakfast feast we shared, which included baked deliciousness, hot chocolates and hot chai.

Perhaps the most magical moment of all was seeing not one but two pods of dolphins; who played and surfed and jumped through the waves while we all watched with joyful and excited expressions on our faces.

** I'd like to say heart-felt thank yous to everyone who left a comment here, on facebook, and on Instagram about my mama. It means so much to have that connection and your thoughts. If I hadn't been so tired this past week (with more than one or two day time naps taking up my time.....), I'd have replied individually to you all. xxxxx