Giveaway & Other things

I've reached 101 followers on this little blog of mine. That's so wonderful to me - it makes me feel appreciated in a way I never knew I wanted (okay, yes yes, I think I did know.....).

Looking at my stats and my readers is so much more than just the ego of having people like what I write and do. It's interesting and curious and intriguing to meet so many people from so many different walks of life, from so many towns and villages and cities and countries - yet all the one little planet. 

So, as a thanks to you all for coming here regularly or occasionally, or perhaps this is your first time; I'm offering this little trio of our tea towels. One set up for grabs - all you need to do is leave a comment. {None of this needing to become a follower, or blog about it or anything.... just pop in and say hi. I would appreciate it if you could tell me why you come here, where you're from, and what you want to see more of on my blog}.

Other things ::
:: The boy's at home sick again today - we're hoping he doesn't have whooping cough (one of our friends has it, and my kids aren't immunised), and I can't get a doctors appointment until tomorrow afternoon. So, we're having to keep him off school - don't want to be infecting any other kids. But it seems as if he's quite better now; well, better enough to be hassling his little sister and telling me he doesn't like me (because I didn't let him do something or other he wanted.. that 5.5yr old back-chat!), and setting up little games in every single room of the house. Oh.
:: I've some screen printing to get done today, for a customer order. It's raining and cold here - not the best day for printing, but must get on with it. 
:: The house has stayed mostly tidy for  more than 3 days now - let's hope it survives these days of sickness-at-home-play. (There's an electronic shop being set up in our front room as I write, and draws being pulled out to find new toys to play with....)
:: Yesterday I booked tickets for Justine Clarke for the kids (we're listening to her fun songs right now on the computer) and Ballet Nacional De Cuba performing Don Quixote for Sylve + me. 
:: My sewing machine is going to come out to play this week - the poor little thing has been sitting too long all alone.
* Tea towels are a beautiful Russian linen. Hand screen printed by me, in Brisbane, Australia. 'Pear Shaped' in green, 'Potter's Daughter' in scarlet, 'Clouds' in brilliant blue. They are a generously sized kitchen towel; approx 50cm x 75cm. I will post anywhere throughout the world - so giveaway is open to anyone (family + nearby friends included!).

some things on SALE


images inspiring