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this is where i want breakfast tomorrow

A long leisurely affair. With freshly baked bread. And delicious tropical fruit. Perfect coffee. The sun slowly creeping across the sky. The dappled shade hiding us from the sun. Who would be there with me?
Perhaps you, my lovely sweet bloggy friends.
Shall we all meet there. Tomorrow.
For breakfast.
And conversation. Laughs and giggles. All the blog references will be understood by everyone at the table.
Of course, there'll be knitting and crochet and stitching. And I'm totally sure there will be lots of photos. Kids will run happily in the fields. From time to time one of us will meander over to see the joy of kids playing in the sunshine and flowers.
We'll all appreciate the textiles, and cushions. The details of the coffee pot matching that sunshine.
We'll be needing a few extra chairs. I'm on the lookout for something just perfect. If you spot anything on your journeys, please be sure to let me know.

Oh, join me there. Tomorrow. Won't you.......

In the meantime, do go and visit the { source} of this beautiful, intoxicating and evocative image. Where there are many many more.