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the name game

Thank you all for your lovely and supportive comments about my fern bag. So sweet. 
I need a little bit of help with naming my new bags. I must admit I do have a name that came to mind as I was sewing, but if I'm honest with myself, it's not entirely me. Or what Red Seed Studio is either. {I'm not going to tell you, don't want to bias you}.
So, here's where you come in. My dear and trusty creative ones. I need you to come up with a super dooper name. It can't be something that relates to the (fern) fabric, as I'll be making them in lots of different fabrics. 
This is the Big Papa size, 

and this is the Little Baby size clutch style. {I whipped this up in about 20mins before I went out the other night. Isn't it wonderful when you can make something so quickly, and it works exactly like you want. This one's not lined, due to time constraints, and it has a *few* issues. But that's all due to the fact that it was totally last-minute-going-to-be-late sort of rush rush sewing}. It's some beautiful, grainy, textured Lotta linen that I was dying to use, with our plain black organic hemp. LOVE IT. More baby clutches to come, as this is quite perfect for going to exhibition openings with your dear friends. In fact, my sister already commissioned one from me, that I had to whip up late last night, for a gift for her dear friend. It's the same white Lotta fabric, the last piece from the parcel........
Just right, perfect in the middle {Mama} size will be featured here next week (after I make her). What colour shall I make her???

In appreciation of you racking your awesome brains for me, and coming up with a fantabulous name, I'm going to make a baby clutch for one of you. So, all comments (who leave a bag name) will be entered into the draw to win the prize!