market loveliness - Miss Dish

I keep forgetting to let you know about the lovely and super sweet Nat from Miss Dish. I will be sharing a stall with Nat at the Bris-Style Twilight Market this coming Friday night. It's going to be so fun to hang out with such a girly girl, and have chats and giggles. 
I'm really going to have to make sure I remember to put my make-up on for market night - as Nat is always so stylishly dressed up. 

Nat and I got to know each other at the Bizness Babes course. It's been lovely sharing market, business, crafting and Roller Derby news with her. (We both recently attended the Derby, though didn't know each was there until after the night - what with 4500 other people!)

Have a look at her beautiful jewellery pieces. Old world charm, Hollywood glamour, vintage meets modern meets pretty. 
So, come along and visit us. There'll be shimmery lights and friendly smiles lighting up King George Square, from all the Bris-Style girls and guys.
*All images used with thanks from Nat at Miss Dish.

from seed


a simple line of regular domesticness