blanket quilt thing for school naps

For prep, Ari needed a towel to have his afternoon quiet time lay down. I didn't really want to go and buy a boring, or expensive, towel for him to have at school. I decided that it would be a lovely thing to make him a special quilt to have his nap on. A little piece of me at school with him, for him to have that tiny bit of from-home, mama-comfort.
I used some of our own printed 'Clouds' black hemp, and let Ari choose the other fabrics from online searching. He choose some Alexander Henry Mini Calaveras; mini candy skulls. I was so pleased with his choice. Not dinosaurs, or trucks or anything like that. It shows who he is, as a boy, a child, a person - he likes things that are a bit different; candy skulls, Japanese dragons {we used this one for his library bag}, coffins, tattoos....
{On a side note, I was really really happy with the service , price and selection from Cia's Palette}.
In my usual fashion, I started one idea and then switched plans half-way through. It meant that the squares didn't turn out equal; but I didn't want to recut and loose any of the fabric by squaring it all up. It's a very simple quilt, with just big blocks of alternating fabrics - nothing too complicated. The back has a single strip of the candy skull fabric across it - the rest is the plain black hemp fabric. {Don't you love the detail of that texture...}. 
I really like this little quilt. A quilt that I don't get to see, as it lives at school.
It has spured me on to think about making some more for our home. I've started piling different fabrics for a blue quilt for Ari's bed - different shades and tones and patterns of blue and Japanese indigo. And we really do need something for our red couch, before the Winter cool sets in. Or maybe a couple of somethings so that there are no arguments about who gets to have it at that exact moment. 

{I just realised that I hadn't yet blogged about this quilt. It seems I've not been doing a whole lot of sewing or making lately - so wanted to let you know that things are happening slowly around here; but they are happening}.

the girl who ate books


7 years