a collection of a week

it's been a busy week
full up of lots of different types of things
:: early on thursday morning we said goodbye to our boys, who went to cairns for 5 nights.

:: i spent almost the whole of thursday sewing little bags for the ABCD gift bag. M filled them with lavender  - which was a good project for a 2 3/4yr old, she took it very seriously and carefully spooned it into each bag, making sure she put a business card in each one.

(this is Kim's photo of my little bags i sewed)

:: on friday we went to the beach with Sylv.

:: saturday was spent at home, pattern writing and sewing and general at-home things. M played happily on her own for most of the day.
my dad, uncle + aunt came to stay the night (so we had to tidy up the house!).

:: on sunday, M went to her grandma + granddads. she was very happy to go without her brother, singing songs about going to the park on her own, without her big brother! she came home tired and happy, with big cuddles.

i went out to Paper Boat Press Christmas Show, with my dad, my sister and my dear friend. i came home with two little ceramic stars that we will give the kids on Christmas eve (they got some last year, and i think it will be a little tradition we will start).

:: on monday i sewed cushions and continued with my pattern writing. M played around my feet. we baked a (not too exciting) cake. we took photos of the cushions; these ones for our home, and these ones for market stalls. we chatted to our neighbour.
{these cushions are made with the Betz White fabric i bought a while ago, and are backed with black hemp. they look really good on our couch}.

:: on tuesday (that's today), M + i went out for breakfast. then the post office and the bank - those sorts of exciting things. then i dropped M at Sylve's house, they went out for lunch. i came home and tried to catch up on a few things. i tried to tidy. i forgot to have lunch until 3pm. i forgot to drink much water. i did manage to make a few phone calls.
we went to the airport to pick up our A + Sam.

*these few photos are remnants of one of our days of play - babies hiding in boxes and scattered across the floor, and drawings of angels, and picnics set up for mid-night snacks of oranges.
Ellie ~ Petalplum

to mark the dates


this afternoon