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hello new year, when did you get here.....
I've slipped into this new year a little too quickly, haven't we all? It's been a tumble-bumble these past few weeks and days, of doing nothing and everything.
I just wanted to check in and say hi to you all. It seems an age since last I was here. (Though I've been all over blog-land and enjoying everyone's last year wrap-ups, and new year beginnings).
Things are good here, and so many ventures planned for this year. A busy, yet exciting year. I'll tell you more soon. For now, a few photos of our past few days/weeks. Our little tree, on Christmas day. We redecorated it - the simple handmade angels instead of the bright lights. (I'm still sad that we neglected last year's tree....). Jumping on Christmas Day. Ari's new outfit is: pants I sewed from some fun Japanese mushroom fabric, and this oh-so-sweet t-shirt. Ash was wearing lovely new linen trousers and a little singlet (I think Sylve got them from Seed - which sometimes has some beautifully Australian-made pieces).
The glorious last sunlight of 2008. We went and sat up on the hill, with a picnic and waited (and waited and waited) for the 8.30pm fireworks. After which we put the kids to bed, and then fell asleep on the couch before the mid-night fireworks could be heard popping outside.
An exciting, entertaining and (could it be) educational time at the Sciencentre. I really enjoyed watching the boys - Ash especially - putting the coloured blocks into repeating patterns, and discovering what shapes could make up other shapes. And doing that broken-colour dance! As well as the giant table so that adults can experience what it's like being a little kid at the big table!
Then later we adults were treated to a fashion parade and a rock concert.