what we wore

I just wanted to show you what I wore today. A plain grey t-shirt. With a refashioned skirt - originally a short and skimpy dress (not so good on breastfeeding Mamas!), snipped quickly this morning it fits my hips well, zip already in perfect spot, though I do plan to properly finish the snipped seam, it's quite okay for now. My old old old - so loved - mohair jumper; given to me by my Mum and Dad possibly 15 years ago, all worn out, especially on the elbows, but I love it so much - for more than it's warmth and colour and feel, for it's memories. And the necklace Sam made me for Mother's Day, using the beads I have from my Mum.
And what Mishi wore yesterday. The green shirt and red floral pants that Sam put on her, to keep warm. Topped by a blue stripey dress that I made her, which is too big, so waiting for Summer - but she insists on trying things on. Wrapped up in a piece of fabric I had in my hands when she wondered into the room, and requested (demanded!) me to put on her. I was wondering if the floral would be good for a skirt for her, possibly shirred, but I think those big flowers might be too much, too big for a little creature. What do you think?

I keep wondering where Mishi gets this thing of needing to dress up, choose her prettiest clothes, be fussy about what she's wearing. At not even 16months, she's quite particular about what we put on her. She wears hats and handbags around the house, wants to put things one. Chooses her clothes, and lays them on the couch in preparation for getting dressed for the day.

Yesterday I spied her leaning into the bottom drawer of her cupboard, seeing what she wanted to wear. Like a teenager...

I must make more exciting, special, treasures for Ari to wear. He feels left out when people are constantly saying how cute and pretty Mishi looks. Most of his clothes are passed down (from my in-laws next door neighbours), so they are good quality, but not styles or colours, and definitely not prints (logos, brands, etc), that I would choose. But, really how can we say no to four+ years of good clothes. That keep on coming, and are still good for the next hand-down. Any ideas on how I can spunk him up a bit, in his very 'boy' clothes - make him a bit more handmade, unusual, himself?

just stuff....hmmm just life


pieces of my mother