etsy beginnings
I love the little moments when I can get to indulge in my sewing. Sometimes it's for myself only, or for the kids - I really like making things for them, and happily for me, they like it too. Only this past week I made a new bag, that was planned for me, and Ari declared it his, before I even could finish it. He wears it proudly - with makes me happy. (And slightly eases the guilt at still not having completed his turtle).
And sometimes, just sometimes, I manage to sew a little bit for markets (yes, I've had two now, and am thinking about more), and then extra bits of sewing for this little store I have been planning to open up.
So, please go and have a look at the little things I have been creating. I am eager for any feedback or ideas or criticism (constructive?) you have about my designs, sewing, fabrics, ideas. And you experienced Etsy-iers, please - if you have any help to offer on how to make it easier, or better, or promote it more. I'm open to anything.
PS - with this slow internet speed I'm dealing with. (Photos loading slowly on your blogs, etc, etc). I have been visiting you, but haven't been able to leave comments when I've wanted. Be back with that next month, I hope!
Also, I want to thank all of you for the lovely comments and support about my crashing waves post. It means so much to me that I have this supportive network of (women) friends out there who are experiencing similar things, and sharing love and stories and offering help and that amazing blog support.
You may have also noticed the new links on the left. My friends who create and craft and do. Please check them out. These are some local crafters starting their businesses (or newly in business), or doing little sidelines while still working full/part-time. If you see your name there, maybe you want to add me to your links?