work'n' 9-5

Last month I started working one-two days a week back at the job I was working before Mishi was born. (Which was different to the place I worked full time for six years, and left before Ari was born). It's a pretty little dress shop/boutique, with lovely homewares and a Japanese feel to it - while all the clothing is made locally in Brisbane.
I used to enjoy it. It was so different from my full-time job (which I loved for different reasons). But now, having only been there for a handful of shifts, I am already bored. Is there something wrong with me? The environment is pleasant, the customers are friendly, the boss is generally fine and I don't see them that much. But, I think, it's just not challenging me anymore. I have so many other things I want to be doing. Instead of standing there and selling for someone else I want to be creating for myself, or playing with the kids, even listening to the music that Ari has been playing on repeat these past few days.
It's so hard to leave my children in the morning. I know they will have a lovely day - today with their Dad, tomorrow with their Grandma. (Yes, we have made the decision, yet also are lucky enough, to not have to put them into childcare). They will often have a better day with other family members, than with me. But, that's not the point!

I have so many ideas, and itchy fingers when I'm standing at work, dusting or telling someone they look lovely in that dress. (I am honest as a sales person. I could never tell someone they look good if they don't). Well, actually, now that I think about it - my creativity seems strongest when I'm not in a position to do anything; driving, putting the kids to bed, working, washing up.... Does that happen to you? And then when I get a small quiet moment, well the quiet happens in head and body and I don't have the urge to 'do'.

I have just put my name down to do a market stall in a little over a month's time; the last Friday in April. Oooh, what date is that? I have done this without having any stock to sell, yet endless ideas of things I can make, and sell (hopefully sell!). I feel that I will work best with a deadline. Hopefully I do, and not leave it right until the last week... urgh, don't let me do that.
Next weekend is Easter long weekend, so Sam will have extra days off work, and I won't be working at all. I am going to send him out, with the kids, each morning. And spend the time at home, cutting and sewing, and thinking, and planning. So, maybe over the next few weeks I will not be here very often, or maybe I'll have things to show you - excited and happy, asking for advice and help, and inspiration, and the continued support you have been giving me.
I have had some lovely comments over the past few weeks. If I have not yet replied to you, I have meant to, but things got in the way - I hope you understand. I hope also, that you know how much I appreciate all the lovely, friendly comments I receive. Thank you. If you have not yet commented on my 100th Post, please do - I am going to keep the giveaway open for a few more days.
And while I'm thanking people. I wanted to link to DJBebe for giving me a "You Make My Day" award, a little while ago. ::Thank you for the lovely flowers:: There are so many people who make my day - maybe another day I'll dedicate a whole post to my favourites, as there are too many to think about right now!

**All of these photos have nothing to do with this post. They are just a few that Ari has taken of me over the past few days. (With the exception of the one of me taking a photo of me in the mirror!). I go through many phases of liking the way I look. But these little snippets of me just doing stuff have lovely parts in them (and posing!). I like the "me" they portray, maybe because they are more a feel than solid images. The white top is one that I made from this pattern (changed a bit). I have plans for some more, as I like it so much - but Sam doesn't, maybe that's why it's taken me so long to get more made.....? I have a friend who had made herself a few dresses out of a similar pattern, which I, too, have been thinking about. There should be a few more photos over on flickr in the next few days, if my computer speeds up a bit.

Just some more rambling thoughts before I head off to bed. Good night.


just like that


baby steps