sew slow

A few weeks ago I happened upon a flyer while at the GOMA. Someone was opening a new design shop over at Paddington. Looking for people with things to sell - designish like. Well, I emailed for more info, expecting to be told that they were full and the waiting list was so long. Yet, yet... she had space, I emailed photos, and she selected me! Okay, not me, but some of my bags that I've been sewing lately. The photos I sent were an assortment of ones I'd made for family and friends, for presents. What this meant was that I had to produce some to give her. The acceptance email she sent me said that she wanted the stuff now! To cut this story short, I spent most of last weekend sewing and sewing.I am quite a slow sewer, and was even slower doing these as I wanted to make sure they were all as neat, tidy, straight, pretty as possible. I also had to cut and iron and sew in sort of confined and not really well organised space. Wonderfully, Sam took both the kids for walks and outings. And Sylve took Ari away for a two night sleepover. He's stayed at Sylve's house before for one night maximum, but she only lives five minutes away from us. This time they were down at Anouk's house and then my Dad's house - two hours away from here, for two nights! I think we both coped really well for our first real sleep-away holiday. Hmmm, Mish also had her first real away time that weekend too.So, she liked the bags that I made and thinks they'll sell. I ended up with nine, yes only nine - not 75 (okay, she had helpers and mine are a bit more intricate and fully lined and inner-fleeced. I did actually make 11 over the weekend :: one for Sidi's birthday and one that still needs a bit of 'attention' before suitable for retail). But the kids were here at times and I did have lovely interuptions. And I also enjoyed the quiet time of only having a baby again for two days!!

Well, anyway, maybe I'll just leave you with these glamorously styled images of the bags. More details can be found here. The shop officially opens tomorrow, so I'll have to let you know how it goes.
So much other stuff has been happening lately, but I want to post about that separately. Ari turned 3 this week - I can't quite believe I'm the mum of a 3yr old kid. I'm still composing a birthday letter to him.
On a different note :: today, at the market, one of the stallholders asked how I was, what was exciting, that sort of thing. I said everyday was exciting, new, an adventure. He said that's why I had a sparkle in my eyes. I thought that was a lovely thing to say - it sparked me up a bit more.

ode to a friend

