
My friend asked me the other night if I write lists of things I want to achieve (finish!). I used to when I worked as a manager in a retail store, before I had my babes. But, I don't actually do it when at home - what am I going to write ::wash up :: wash nappies :: put clothes away :: hug, play, tickle babes :: try to appease babes......
Well, no. Then, I'd generally not get anything crossed off!
But lists about thing I want to make, do, achieve. Is that too much tempting the depression of unfinished :: never started :: wish I was more dedicated? Or, could it perhaps be the start of finishing, learning how to do more (worthwhile) things with my time, starting all these little ideas that keep plaguing me :: rattle around in my tired, fuzzy mind.
So - here goes. I'm going to put a few out there and hopefully not be judged too harshly when I don't achieve them (all). And perhaps even nudged encouragingly along to finish. These are in no particular order (only the order that aforementioned brain thing spurts out).

:: Make some placemats + coasters. Inspirations here, here, here, + more others.

:: Finish Ashey's doona cover. Yes - I actually only have to hand stitch about five press studs along the bottom. I'm going to finish it tomorrow. (Are you reading this Sylve?)

::Make some more jarmie pants for Ari + for Mishi + possibly even for me.

::Sew curtains for our lounge room. We only have some little tied up bits of flowy fabric in our bedroom, and no curtains anywhere else in the house. (To my defence, I grew up in the bush with no neighbours and beautiful outside that we didn't need to cover up).

::Fix up the back room. A play::craft::hang-out room for us during the day would be lovely.

::Get wedding album together. It's coming up three year anniversary this August. (But a total of nine+ years being together).

::Get framed photos + Ari's artworks onto walls. (Sam... are you taking note?)

::Put all other photos into albums - general family, my overseas trip from years ago.

::Do more drawing, painting, journaling.

::Make an apron for myself. I've had an image in my head for a while now and would love to wear it while cooking.

::Also, make aprons for the kids for - cooking + painting smocks.

::Finish the door snake. It only needs to be stitched closed - currently being pegged in place (which Sam says he quite likes!).

So - I'm going to let you know how I go. Normally, I actually do better when "showing off" for someone. Don't take notice of my self sufficiency and being my own best friend!

Anyone else out there have some extra ideas of things::stuff I could add to my list. Or, lists of your own. I would love that little nudge when you see me dropping::drooping.

learning to juggle


self sufficiency + B frog