time to post

Well, the previous (and first) entry was actually written 3 days ago. That shows how my life is. That afternoon the rain hurtled down. My sister came home with the kids - one her's (4 years old), one mine (not quite 2 years). And of course, racing to the shop in the rain. And then, life trickles away and I realise that its been that long since I sat down and wrote.
So, here we do with number 2 posting.
Its already almost 11pm, and really I should be in bed. But, am copying CDs for my dad - which my sister needs to take down to him tomorrow. So I need to get them done. And I did have a biggish sleep this afternoon. Though of course, the evening's events seem to have erased that from my body's memory!

Its been raining here all week. Ari + I spent the day mostly inside, except when we ventured out to check the mail (and get my tax check, which was great). And look at the garden for a few minutes while the rain held off. The garden's actually not looking too bad at the moment, well sections of it. The front we have planted roses and rununculus, which are flowering beautifully - quite unexpected for me to have such success with plants!
Both my mum and dad are (were in my mum's case. Yes, I'll say it blatantly - my mum's dead! I don't like silly things like "passed on", or "no longer with us". I'll probably talk more about that some other time) great gardeners. I grew up in a beautiful rainforest environment, with palms, cycads, and also flowers, herbs, vege patch (which the chooks mostly enjoyed!).

And now, this is actually becoming long, and probably boring. Maybe I should just keep it short - what I did that day sort of thing....
I'll try working out how to load photos at another stage. Don't want to overload the computer.
Ellie ~ Petalplumramble

winter wind

