a house tour

I thought I'd take you on a little house tour today - the building site house.
The sun is shining and I'm meant to be at the dentist, instead I'm at home with a sick boy. And talking with my dad about different possibilities for rooms and configurations of doors and windows. It's an evolving process, which I'm really loving. My dad and I stand and talk it all through. There are no drawn house plans - they exist in my dads head and my head. And I'm very thankful that we're on the same page..... well actually he's a few pages ahead of me.
Framework for the doors, walls, windows will go up over the next few weeks. Then Sam and I will start work on the walls - we will be using a process called ferro cement, which is a bit like a rendered or bagged wall. We're still deciding what color we'll put into it - possibly an earth ochre colour. All the wooden framing will be visible within the cement. And the windows and doors are all second hand timber; that we need to clean up and sand back.
Those big piles are our floorboards, stacked neatly waiting until after the walls are done. Beautiful blue gum red flooring - I can't wait too see it laid. Though in Winter it'll be covered in carpets and rugs {must get working on making some crochet rag rugs, and I have visions of weaving some sort of rug as well....}.
There are walkways running around most of the rooms, and it's an open pavilion style (I guess that's sort of what it's called). There'll be a lovely big verandah off the living room, which will have big doors that slide back - designed for Summer living.
And eventually, one day, there'll be a Japanese style courtyard garden in the middle of the three buildings (the kitchen/living space, the bedroom pavilion and the studio which form three sides of a square around the garden space).
But for now...... It's thinking and dreaming and imagining. I like to stand in the kitchen and pretend that it's all finished and what it will look like. Or in my bedroom, and feel happy that we will have those peach blossom trees as our view when we wake up. Oh, human life wouldn't last too long without imagination or visualisation would it.

Ellie ~ Petalplum

a thing about books....


just this - tuesday morning