
It's much much overdue. Writing this here, and making it official and all. But, I'm finally doing it. Here's my challenge. To myself. Inspired by many more things that I can recall or say.

This, of course, all leads on from my Slow Project. Is part of it. In a way, a big part. 

Consumerism. Fast fashion. Throw-away fashion. Made-in-China cheap stuff.

I grew up in a fairly not-consumerist family and lifestyle. We wore hand-me-downs (I'm the third of four kids), and lots of second-hand, market finds. And also, lots of special handmade pieces. Some pieces my mum made for us, some pieces other people made for us. One year my parents came back from their India journey with some spectacular silk dresses that they'd had made especially for us  by a tailor (brilliant red, emerald green and brightest yellow). Oh, I do wish I still knew where those dress were. The fabric alone was just amazing; rich and sumptous.

Anyway, so to my challenge. Setting for myself. To make a real commitment. {In truth, I do not buy many clothes for myself or my children ever. I look after my clothes and keep them for many years. I buy quality clothes, that do last. But sometimes, just as often, I need a simple quick, cheap t-shirt or warm long sleeve top - and I head to the big box store, and come out with a few new shirts, and perhaps some new undies as well. But even these things I need to be more conscious of 'not doing', rather than 'occasionally doing'}.

I'm joining Dottie Angel's challenge ::

And also So Zo's Self-Stitched September ::
'I, Ellie, sign up as a participant of Self-Stitched-September. I endeavour to wear only handmade and refashioned items of clothing every day for the duration of September 2010'. {Excluding underwear, tights and jumpers until further notice...}

Other inspirations include ::
Cal Patch, who says "I am working toward wearing mostly clothing made by myself, or other handmakers". And who's book - Design It Yourself Clothes - is a fantastic starting point for anyone who wants to rewardrobe themselves by themselves. 
Amy Karol, of Angry Chicken, who makes so much of her (and her daughter's) clothing. And totally rocks at the styling. And the tutes. {I have her first book, but it's gone missing at one of my friend's places..... I'm trying to justify ordering her second one, as it seems super cute and cool. Talk me into it!}.
Natalie Chanin, of Alabama Chanin amazingness. Love all her handstitched goodness {on my list to hand stitch a piece of clothing for myself during this yearly challenge}. {Also have her first book, and need justification to be talked into the second one!}.

There'll be much more talk about this, I have lots to say and show. I'm really excited to officially declare my intentions to you all ::

During the next six - twelve months, I aim to wear + buy only handcrafted (by myself or other artisans), second-hand or ethical + organically made clothing and shoes.
{I will still continue to wear my current wardrobe of clothing}.
Please follow my adventure, perhaps you may like to join in.

it feels like monday


lolly dollies