Happy Mother's Day

To my dear {women.mother} friends,
Wishing you all a beautiful day of sweet kisses and terrific drawings.
A day of excited gift giving and warm hugs.
Of smiles and friendship and deep love from your special treasures.

This morning I was awakened by my boy climbing into bed with me. Giving me mother's day hugs.

I went to the organic market with my sister. Where we did our fruit, vege, bread shopping - me carrying my lovely, perfectly sized op-shopped basket, which I love.
We sat and enjoyed warm dandelion and chocolate brownies. And conversation filled with wishes and hopeful realities and possibilities. The sort of things that sisters can share, knowing that we understand each other's dreams - and know them to be true and real and possible. 
And enjoyed moments of just being. And soaking up the warm glorious sun. 

And then home again. To a table lovingly set with flowers and second breakfast - coffee and fresh bread with avocado, olive oil, delicious sun ripened tomatoes, basil. And conversation of life, and of course more dreams and wishes and perhaps realities. 

And messages from my siblings. My dear brother who lives in Melbourne, who always remembers to text and send me a warm message of love and thought. A reminder of his warm, strong hugs and deep penetrating gaze. And my oldest sister, who I never see or talk to often enough.

And booking a family holiday away for a few weeks' time. 
And listening to my children play contentedly, in the tidy peaceful home we live in.
And, now to go and do the laundry - and enjoy watching it dry on the line in the windy sunshiney day.

Enjoy. Being a mother. A daughter. A sister. A friend. A spouse / partner. A woman. Yourself. Enjoy.
xxxxxxxxx E


sewing clothes week


animal ears in my {messy} creative space