my creative space :: planning

The kindy teachers got word that I can sew.
After seeing the robots that I made for the kids to take into school / kindy, they have still silly notion that I can sew softies.
Miss Kate asked if perhaps I could make one little softies friend that the kids can each take home for one night, and they're going to write about what their friend did at their house that night. Sounds so sweet doesn't it - like the story of that teddy bear that traveled around the world and sent postcards back to the school students. 
She chatted to the kids about what sort of friend they would like. And you know what they came up with? Those 3 - 4 years olds! All the boys wanted a truck, and all the girls wanted wings. So - ummm a flying truck. 
Ok, ok. My softie sewing skills are still quite limited and I'm not so sure I'll be able to make a truck they're totally happy with. Though I'll have a think, and a look. 
But then I suggested perhaps a crocodile. With wings? 
All the rooms at kindy have different animal names, and Mishi is in the Crocodile room. So, crocodile seems fitting. No?

I went out to super-fun exciting Spotlight, to search for some tiny glimpse of inspiration. Not much happening there. I came home with 10m of calico, for pattern drafting, and some other little finds. And then I spotted a greenish/teal version of this fabric. The shop assistant appeased me by agreeing that it looked "vaguely" crocodilish. You agree, don't you. Yes, I know you do!
I didn't want something that would be too brown and boring and ugly for the kids, but something fun and bright. Without being silly. 
I've got to sit down and do some sketchers and plans of how to make this crocodile. I'm not sure if I'll do a lying down one, or sitting up one. This one's cute, and this too. Can you point me to any other ideas.

The other fabrics in these pics, is for some little picnic rugs I'm making for the Crocodile kindy room. When I was there the other day, I watched a few of the little girls packing things up from the play kitchen and shop, and go for a picnic. And all they had to picnic on was the normal carpet. So, I've decided to make three little simple quilt-style rugs for them to use. I'm trying to make them all different colours, to appeal to girls and boys. 
Hopefully there'll be enough of this cute bird fabric left over to make another little rug for someone else. (I'm thinking that surely I owe something to a family member - speak up......).

**do visit the other wonderful creative spaces.

i just remembered :: Friday # 7

