Craft Hope for Haiti - book bag

This is a book bag that Sam and I made quite a few months ago. I haven't been able to show it to you before now, as it's actually a project in an upcoming crafting book. 
I was so honoured to be asked to contribute a project to the Craft Hope book. I'm not sure when it's due to be released, I think they're still in the last stages of writing. I'll let you know when I have a copy in my hands. There are many other amazing crafters who I'm so pleased to be bound up with in the pages of this fantastic book. 

This little bag was hand stencilled, onto organic cotton / hemp fabric. It's designed for children to use as a book / library bag, but really just makes a great bag for everyday needs. 
It is currently listed in the Craft Hope for Haiti Etsy shop - so pop on over and have a look. This is a one of a kind bag, and has been listed at a very reasonable price.

*photo used with thanks from Craft Hope (much better styled than my photos of the bag, as I was rushing it out the door to be posted all those months ago).

me on a friday


tree change :: dreams