51 versions of me

Holly is doing a new challenge this year, of posting a self portrait of herself each Friday. 52 Fridays - a self portrait challenge.
I've decided that I'm going to try and do this too. I have already missed the first Friday, but that's okay - I think 51 versions of me is enough anyway. You may be lucky and get more or less, depending on how my year pans out. {And if I forget in one week that I said I was going to do this each week!}.

Raw, exposed and real.

And, just so I don't feel all alone - some captured photographic memories of who is here in our house right now at this moment in time.
At 7.23pm on a warmish and still Friday night in January. The bats are calling outside. The story-telling music is playing. And my cousin, Chloe, is reading Mr McGee and the Biting Flee to my two little ones.



missed connections

