Unfurl & Bloom

A 6-week creativity course with practical projects, mindful moments & inspiring challenges. You’ll make a set of creativity cards, a fabric pouch & learn so much about your Self. It will be fun, joyous, intriguing, inspiring, motivating, eye-opening & the right amount of challenging.


"Ellie has a very lovely calm, serene and encouraging teaching style. This course is changing the way I think about carving out time for creative crafts and allowing me to explore them in a more slow, mindful and sustainable way. Thanks Ellie! X" ~ Kels

Unfurl & Bloom is a special space to discover, unleash & lean in deeper to your inner creative self.

Through a mindful approach to your creative practice, you'll unlearn all the negative talk, and begin (or actively continue on) a journey of creativity, joyful mistake-making, nurturing and unfurling into the world. 


Useful mindful, slow-living, meditative processes we'll spend time immersing ourselves into who our creative self might be (hiding under the uncertainty). We'll work on letting go of blocks and fears, and allow our authentic creative self to shine. 

Sharing your creative voice is vital - it doesn't matter if you think it's not original, or someone's doing it better, or you're not good enough. This course is about showing you that none of those things matter - that when you feel powerful in your self then you can't help but shine and bloom. 

Coming back to yourself you'll find that what happens is quite a magic process of becoming more and more in touch with who you are and who you might become. 


Currently closed as we’re in our session right now. Next season of Unfurl & Bloom will be in September.
You can join the waitlist here to have access to the early bird offerings.

“ If you are thinking about doing ‘Unfurl and Bloom’ with Ellie and can’t decide, do yourself a huge favour and do it. I did it last year when I was in a real slump for many reasons, most of all probably the great pause that became our world, and found the course to be a real inspiration to me, and I think the others in the course. So much so that now things are back on track I’m going to do it again, it is such a gentle way to ease yourself into your creative work,and really Bloom. If you haven’t experienced Ellie’s classes, treat yourself, I’m sure you will be delighted.”
~ Jane

what touched your creative heart recently?

What will Unfurl & Bloom give you?


Creative Confidence grows the further you unfurl. The stronger you feel, the stronger you'll be. What I'm saying is - once you start the journey of delving into your own creativity, of allowing yourself to be who you might be you'll find that it's easier to continue.

The journey has ups and downs for sure, but once you start you'll want to keep going. The unfurling continues without you even trying. 

Unfurl & bloom - Hand stitched quilt naturally dyed fabric. Flowers from the garden Ellie Beck Petalplum
Ellie Beck Creating slow - hand illustrated mushroom coffee cup. Creative simple moments.JPG

In this course you’ll get lots of little things that are mostly hard to quantify, such a how to give yourself permission to be an artist, or how to be wrong, how to learn to love what you create, how to be gentle and generous with yourself.

This course is for anyone who considers themselves "a creative maker", be that an artist, designer, photographer, ceramicist, crafter, painter...... This is not about labels and having to define yourself as "an artist", but more about just doing your work and allowing space and generosity to express your own creative self whatever that might look like.

I talk a lot about what I love and am passionate about, but also I like to sit quietly and observe the world around me. This course is about both those aspects of myself, and how that will translate to you and your creative self. Me sharing the ways I work while giving space for you to learn your own ways of working. A combination of all the words & all the ideas & all the how-tos mixed up with me quietly stepping aside and letting you discover it for yourself. 

What this means is - the course will provide tips, ideas, inspiration and thoughts on how I do things. Like little jumping off guides to get you thinking. But then you'll be doing the work (sometimes hard, let's not hide that fact) of practising your creative practice, of simply doing the work, of knowing the muse is on her way and being open & ready, as well as when she's simply not going to visit and still doing the work anyway.

Next season will be open June 2022 ⟶
joyful, mindful, creative

Course curriculum

Over 6-weeks I’ll be your guide through this creative challenge while you Unfurl & Flourish.



  • hand stitching - how-to techniques & a finished Boro-inspired pouch

  • botanical ink-making & painting

  • nature mandalas & ephemeral art

  • instinctual mark-making onto paper & cloth

  • create your own set of creativity cards using collage, journaling & the work from previous weeks

Daily rituals, rhythms & noticing:

  • journaling

  • mindful moments

  • your visual voice

  • writing for self

  • making for makings’ sake

  • breathing practices

  • noticing & appreciating

  • ways to share your self & your work with the world

  • written meditations for you to look outside & inside

  • photography challenges / projects

  • inspiration

  • a combination of practical work & mindful magic

The practical aspect:

  • video tutorials

  • downloadable PDFs of workbooks, inspiration, writings & more

  • ‘inspiration’ images & booklets

  • patterns for making the projects

  • projects & how-tos

  • 2 - 3 zoom calls to connect as a community (I will determine dates and times for these depending on time zones), which will be filmed if you can’t make it live

  • weekly emails & check-ins

  • connection, conversation and further creativity in a private online community space (that is not Facebook).

As a special bonus you will also receive a 25% discount off any coaching or mentoring work with me - if you want to delve deeper on your creativity, work through any personal creative challenges & fears, or get clarity on how to take your magic and share it with the world.

to make, create, pull from nothing,
clay formed,
weave, spin,


Unfurl & Bloom
next season opens June 2022⟶

It’s time to stop caring about what others say and more about how you feel!

 As a child I always loved making whimsical little things with my hands and heart. I remember one year, for our school fete, making some fabulous little hand stitched faces using fabric scraps and my imagination to create something entirely new. I can still see them in my mind today, more than 30 years later. They were like squashed little onions, with delicately stitched details on their faces. An old man and an old woman, with hair curled up into a bun. 

I had planned on shoving them into a glass jar with a heap of other random things as part of a 'jar stall', but my dad took one look at them and said no way, they were like little works of art. In the end I sewed a brooch back onto them and we sold them at the fete. 


I wonder if someone still has those little faces. When my craft was art. 

I never actively pursued art as a uni course or a career. I wanted to be an actor, not an artist, but that didn't pan out either (lucky there's a lot of drama in my home nowadays!). It wasn't until I had my first child, when I stopped full time retail work (which thankfully did have a creative side to it with merchandising, window displays and such), that I came back to this internal childhood feeling of being an artist or creative. Since then I've been on a journey to re-find my voice, share it with the world, work through challenges, fears and lots of seriously hard moments.

Overcoming my own inner dialogue of "not good enough" has often been a bigger challenge than the external words of critics. Stepping into the fear, leaning deeper into my own version of what art, craft, creativity can mean has changed the way I express myself.

dahlias and persimmons on my table - Ellie Beck Petalplum

What tools or materials doI need?

Creative and art supplies are minimal. I work in a sustainable manner, and don't expect you to rush out and buy a heap of new things.
Please contact me if you need more detailed materials list

I am offering a very limited quantity of special Unfurl & Bloom making packs, which will include my naturally dyed fabric & threads, needles, watercolour paper, paper ephemera from my collections and other little treasures for the projects in this course. At checkout you’ll be able to chose to add this to your cart (if still available).



  • Fabric - a combination of scraps & precious pieces. We’ll be making a small pouch-bag, so you only need a small amount of fabric

  • hand sewing needles - I like Sashiko needles, but use what you have that suits your thread

  • thread - a mix of regular sewing thread, embroidery thread, Sashiko cotton or even fine crochet cotton

  • scissors - large sewing + small sharp embroidery scissors

  • an embroidery hoop (optional)

  • buttons or tokens with holes (optional)

Paper & paint:

  • a journal or paper for writing / journaling.

  • art paper / sketch book - I prefer watercolour paper that has a % of cotton or bamboo in it. I get large sheets from my art supply shop and tear them down (find the cheapest one possible)

  • Paint, ink and fabric paint (fabric paint isn't necessary, but a lovely addition). Regular kids craft paint is fine.

  • paint brushes

  • paper ephemera (maps, books, magazines, saved letters, postcards, colour paint swatches, etc etc)

  • pens, pencils

  • glue

Other things:

  • computer with internet access - there'll be some videos, but I keep these short.

  • tea & your favourite tea cup

  • a camera (your phone camera is perfect)

  • about an hour a week at least, though it can be in small pockets of time rather than one session

  • most other items will be found in your local environment

more info and faqs

"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be" ~ Lao Tzu


I feel like I could go on and on about how wonderful this course is, but the truth is that those sorts of endless salesy pages feel wrong to me. In my creative practice and my heart-based business I'm about sharing myself in an open, honest, meaningful manner. I care deeply about my students, and my biggest wish is that you can find yourself through your creativity in the same way that I have.

I talk a lot about what I love and am passionate about, but also I like to sit quietly and observe the world around me. This course is about both those aspects of myself, and how that will translate to you and your creative self. Me sharing the ways I work while giving space for you to learn your own ways of working. A combination of all the words & all the ideas & all the how-tos mixed up with me quietly stepping aside and letting you discover it for yourself. 

What this means is - the course will provide tips, ideas, inspiration and thoughts on how I do things. Like little jumping off guides to get you thinking. But then you'll be doing the work (sometimes hard, let's not hide that fact) of practicing your creative practice, of simply doing the work, of knowing the muse is on her way and being open & ready, as well as when she's simply not going to visit and still doing the work anyway. But I'll be here waiting to offer any extra help as you might need it.

I'll also be sharing quotes to make you think. Because I love quotes, and often times there are wise smart clever people who can put my thoughts into words in a most amazing way. Don't you find that happens? I'll also send you a weekly downloadable quote card that you can print off to stick up in your room or use as the backdrop for your device. 


How much time will you need to spend on Unfurl & Bloom? 
To be honest, it's totally up to you how long you invest into each session. Emails will arrive twice weekly, Monday & Thursday, with occasional Sunday notes sent for a weekend encouragement. I'd hope you'll set aside half an hour each day to spend on your creative practice, but being a mother of 3, I know that some weeks this is easier than other weeks. Also, sometimes you might find you have more time to immerse yourself in one project and you'll spend a few hours with your creative self. 

The lessons will be short and actionable. Designed to fit around your life (work, family, etc), I'm keeping my words as succinct as I can. So you can spend more time on the doing rather than the reading. 

If I'm a practicing artist already, is Unfurl & Bloom for me? 
 It depends on where you're at with your arts practice. This course is aimed at those who are newer in their practice, still finding their feet, or have recently had children and unsure how to delve back into their own creative practice. If you're a full time 'artist' (or designer, photographer, crafter, painter, ceramicist) you may still have times when you feel lost in your practice. This course is planned to give you new ways of working, new ideas and inspiration in your current practice.  Please contact me if you're unsure. 

I'm 'only' a hobbyist, is this course for me? 
Yes - being a hobbyist artist, crafter, designer, creative can be hard. In this current world where it seems most everybody is jumping into Indie business as a creative, you might feel like your creative practice is left behind, not worth pursuing. While I'll be talking about being a full time practicing creative, it's not the underpinning of the course. There'll be small parts on sharing your art / craft with the world (through social media, etc), but this course is more about your self and your own creative voice. Not about the whole rest of the world. So, yes this course is for hobbyist, full or part time creatives.

I'm not an artist, I can't paint or draw or anything like that. How will Unfurl & Bloom help me?
Firstly, I myself am not a painter at all, nor 'an artist' in the traditional sense. I call myself an artist on my tax return, because that makes things easier. But really I'm a creative maker. What this means is that labels and names don't make a difference to what I create, what medium I work with. I express myself through a connection of my hands, head & heart and that is enough for me. 
If you're a 'traditional artist' then please do in the course. If you call yourself a crafter or photographer or designer or sewist or natural dyer or textile maker or.... any other thing we might label we attach to ourselves than this course is for you. I believe that EVERYONE in the world is creative in one way or another, and just needs help to learn how to expose or express it. Sometimes it's hidden under a lot of fear, society's rules, expectations and more. Sometimes because we can't name it then we think we don't have it. So - please this course is for anyone who has a feeling that they are CREATIVE in any way. This is about helping you learn how to express that.


"I am not what I am,
I am what I do with my hands"

~Louise Bourgeois


I'm not a mother (or my kids have left home) - will this course be all about mothering? 
No it won't be. There will be talk about me as a mother and a practicing creative, and how I work through these challenges (and joys). There is one session on motherhood vs art / craft, but I hope those non-parents (or non-full-time parents) may still find some of those tips thoughtful and inspiring for their family or other work commitments.

I'm a new mother with young kids, how will I find the time for this course? 
I'm, myself, a mother to 3 - a 16 yr old, a 14 yr old and a 6 yr old. I run an Indie business with my husband and have a creative arts / crafts practice. We're also trying to finish building our house and studio. So, I know how full life can feel. Each session is written with limited time in mind. 
The projects are fun and generally easy to do around children, in short amounts of time, or can be longer if time permits. I'll be sharing tips, ideas and help on how to work through the challenges of motherhood, and how to embrace the joys and bring your children into your creative practice.

Having said that - if now is not the right time for you, know that being in the space where you are with your mothering is also very creative and a wonderful space to be in. This course, and any other things you’re thinking might be good, will still be there when you are and your family are ready.

What tools do I need for Unfurl & Blooms? 
A computer with internet access - there'll be some videos, but I keep these short. My internet is pretty sketchy at times, so I know how hard it can be if you don't have solid internet. 
Art supplies are minimal. I work in a sustainable manner, and don't expect you to rush out and buy a heap of new things.
You'll need:

  • a journal or paper for writing / journaling.

  • Plain fabric and art paper / sketch book.

  • Paint, ink and fabric paint (fabric paint isn't necessary, but a lovely addition). Regular kids craft paint is fine.

  • Fabric, needle, thread, scissors - fabric scraps, upcycled, op-shopped (thrift-store) fabric is good, old clothes

  • most other items will be found in your local environment.

  • Please contact me if you need more detailed materials list

How long do I have access to the course?
Unfurl & Bloom runs for 6 weeks starting mid April 2021 but there’s no such thing as being ‘behind’ in this course. You can follow along at your own pace, there's no pressure to do all the projects on time or anything like that. You have lifetime access to the course (until the internet runs out or something like that - will that ever happen do you think? I have dreams about the one day when the internet won't exist again... well until then you have full access to the course). Also - every time I run the course again, you'll have access to take it with us again. You'll get automatic access to all and any new modules or projects that I add in (your feedback will help with upgrades, changes, etc). 

Anything else?
Please send me an email to ellie@petalplum.com.au with any questions at all about Unfurl & Bloom. Or ask me via my 'contact' page.


Printing on fabric - screen printing & instinctual mark-making