A very nice pear cake & roadside foraging

I’ve been driving past this pear tree for oh, I dunno, 10 or so years. The first few years I didn’t know it was what it was. After that I was maybe too full of children to have / make time to stop. 10 whole years of not having time. Ain’t that ridiculous!!

So, anyway. Last week I was alone in the car coming home from the local farmers market, I did not have to be home at any particular time - well, you know… they might have questioned a 5-hr outing. So finally I pulled right over, tipped the market bread from the basket and strolled across the road.

Yep - it was as lovely as that. With a break in the rain that had poured on the market, I was able to snap some beautiful photos {rainy skies have that magical light, don’t you think}, pick some pears and get home in time for elevenses.

Now, they’re not so good as fresh eating pears, so I pondered the best use for them. I love Julia’s ‘A very nice plum cake’ from her first book Ostro, and decided to substitute in pears. In truth the pears didn’t cook properly, so the cake was a disaster - but it looked super super pretty, and that counts for something doesn’t it.

*the cake disaster had nothing to do with Julia’s recipe, I’ve used it many many times and usually comes out near to perfect.

Ellie ~ Petalplum

Educator, textile artist, maker, writer, photographer, creativity coach & bespoke web designer (among quite a few other things). 
I love working with textiles, natural dyes & slow mindful moments, as well as guiding creatives (artists, crafters, photographers, alternatives therapies) on how to best share their work, voice & authentic self with their community & audience. 

Mama to 3, live in Northern NSW, Australia

Instagram @petalplum


Love in the time of Corona


Small stitches getting me through a February slump