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As an incredibly introverted single mom of two daughters aged 16 and 11, my time is unfortunately quite limited. I have been aching to both find my community and slow down my life, eliminating the consumerism mentality and returning to the roots of ancestral principles of mending, creating useful household objects and reusing materials already on hand. I purchased this course for myself to facilitate the transformation of the story I had created around my limited time.

I think all too often we as women (and moms) don't value our autonomy, our intrinsic selves and believe, regularly that we need to be doing more, faster.

However, during this course a complete shift has happened for me. My time is still just as limited, but I view the time I spend making as meditative, as a form of self-care. I live in the abundance of what is around me, the knowledge that has been shared with me, the connections that are being made, are all extraordinary gifts that I profoundly treasure. I have a deep gratitude for Ellie’s wealth of knowledge, her meaningful and thought provoking conversations, and her willingness to grant us access to a bit of her heart.

— Ashlee