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here and there {naturally dyed yarn}

I'm still around, somewhere. here or there.

It's Wednesday. Life has less structure being a homeschooling family. I'm trying to see if we can work some structure into our days, but it's not naturally me; so perhaps it won't happen. Maybe time will tell.

There is much full-ness at the moment. Making and planning and organising and preparing for two markets this coming weekend - one at the Tweed River Art Gallery on Saturday, and the other at the World Environment Day festival in Knox Park. Both in my home town of Murwillumbah. 

I must admit that these rambly days work well for the way I work - I can dabble with bits here and there. Putting some silken threads into dye pots and tending to them over the days, bit by bit. Not requiring more than that from me. 

I'm so pleased with the colours that came out of the dye jars yesterday. There's more there still soaking up the colour. I'm hoping that people will enjoy these as much as me and use them for crochet or embroidery or simply as lovely string for tying presents.......

These are the silk yarns before dyeing, and then after. The purple is from a red cabbage dye batch, and the yellowish / brown is from tea. 
The most best thing about these yarns is that they are not tangled. I have taken time and care and space from receiving the skein and wrapping them into smaller lengths to keep them from tangling. This is good for me - and also in my mind an indication that I am untangled / not tangled (somehow?? Well, it works for me anyway). 

The weather has been rainy and sunny and in between cloudy and cold.
Where have you been lately friends? How are things treating you? 

E xx