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the kids clothes challenge

Well, this is the week for Elsie Marley's Kids Clothes Week Challenge.

I'm not sure it's going to happen for me this week. As no cutting, planning, pinning or least of all sewing was done on Monday or Tuesday, and none is planned for Wednesday or Thursday (and then I'll be at preschool all day Friday); seems as if the weeks a bit of a write-off. Of course, I'm going to make excuses for myself, why wouldn't I!

{images are all from Elsie Marley. Top two are Mani Mina, bottom left Much Too Sweet,
bottom right from Pinterest; looking for original link!}

My big excuses :: I really do have barely any space in our tiny house for storing of fabric (it's all in the shipping container, stacked in boxes), and there's no light what-so-ever at night time to see anything, barely to read a book at all. Sewing machine is at my dads (where the electricity is), and while I know he won't at all mind me being there to sew, I do know he won't be too keen on me leaving my stuff all over the place.
I had planned on making them both a dressing gown from the Amy Butler pattern, but have searched high and low for some decent flannel fabric. I did not get enough time in Brisbane to check out the range at the dreaded Spotlight, and our local fabric shop has the more boring and uninspiring selection of any sort of fabric at all, ever. And without being able to feel the weight of a flannel I'm not sure that it will actually be warm enough for our Winter - which means barely any use buying, cutting, sewing. I do love Anna Maria's flannel fabrics, but they are awfully hard to find in Australia's stores (either online or in my local vicinity), at least not in the designs we like best. I do have the full collection stack, cut into fat quarters (purchased from AMH's shop), and I did consider getting something from there; but she seems to only do her fabrics in pre-chosen pairs. I wasn't really keen on spending $50+ per dressing gown...

One more excuse is that if I do manage to make it to the sewing machine any time in the next few weeks (months, eeekkk??), I really should be making something for Red Seed. You know, that business I'm trying to run. Well, we'll talk about that another time, maybe. {There are things being planned, planned, and over-planned, just nothing being done}.

Ari does need an apron for his Kids in the Kitchen class on Friday, and I believe that that is something I can manage. A simple apron. All I have to do is cross my fingers that I have some suitable fabric and can find it somewhere in the storage....

In the meantime there is so much delightfully wonderful inspiration over at Elsie Marley's blog, with some beautiful images that I'm adding to my 'clothes for the little ones' Pinterest collection. Oh, I'm loving the colours in these pieces - wow! Kids clothes are just the most fun.

Some time in the {near :: distant :: unknown} future I'll have my sewing machine, and my own space again to put my dreams and ideas into practice. In the meantime, while living in our little house, I am enjoying our family time, and lots of early nights to bed and reading with a torch. {I've just 'labeled' this post under sewing. I think I really should have a 'not sewing' label as well, don't you agree?}.