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wild things

I just only this moment found this blog, via Running Amok, that was a total luck-find as well*.
We Love You So (WLYS) is basically a random assortment of things. The blog description says it's showing the small influences that built up to create the mammoth project " Where the Wild Things Are", the movie (which is due out in December).
I most particularly love the blog header. Is that not the best blog header ever ever ever.

And also the cute little bits down the bottom. Those things just get me. Strings and loose strands, and stuff that doesn't look quite perfect.

And have a look at the gallery of Where the Wild Things Are. Oh, the movie looks quite beautifully accurate to the book.

*you know where you type some random words in your search engine and add 'blog' at the end, and find all sorts of new-to-you and amazing blogs. I love doing that. Go and do it now - think of any strange word, or something you're interested in and type it into your search bar with 'blog' at the end. Come back and tell me what you found - I'm wanting some new blog finds.