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birthday making plans

It is Ari's birthday in a little over a month. We are giving him a bike, but I want to make a few little things for him this year. I have in mind some of these lovely little felt food -things, maybe vegetables + fruit , and a few treats and special things . He loves playing kitchen (house) and cooking so much, that I know he will really enjoy these. I have to head into town soon, to buy some sewing supplies! And then find the moments of quiet to cut and stitch - the inspiration is definitely out there . If anyone has hints or tips to help me out, I'd love to hear from you.
I have been slowly going through all our things, mainly toys, and trying to rid ourselves of stuff. It accumulates too easily and quickly, and I know coming up to birthday and Christmas it will be added to by family members. This year I am going to ask for no plastic toys - possibly only one of those kids digital cameras, so he doesn't break ours but can show us his viewpoint of things a bit more.
Other ideas that having been sloshing about in my brain are what I'm going to make for the party bags. I'm not really keen on giving away a bag of lollies and plastic toys - just because that's what you should do. I'd like to make some banners / flags , and maybe a little bag or tote or maybe just a simple drawstring bag. These would also be cute, but totally out of my league at the moment (ability or time frame). Possibly some homemade playdough. And... hmmm. I'm not sure what else would/could go in, that I could make quantity of. I don't know how many kids we will invite, so not sure how many I'll need to make. Does anyone have any great party bag ideas to get me started??
Also, a bit of sewing for my niece and nephew planned for this week. My sewing machine has been sitting idly, patiently, waiting for this kitchen work to be closer to finished. And the hectic, sleepless, noisy days seem to be easing a little. Giving me more headspace, and - hopefully - more real space to get some work done. My mind is ticking over with plans of projects to start.
A very busy month ahead - if only I can produce what I have promised (myself) that I know I should be able to do. So, hopefully some photos of my work in a few days (....weeks).