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We're staying at my in-laws for a week, due to our kitchen being renovated. The rain is keeping us inside all day. Not even able to play in the backyard. Yesterday we got ready, left the house and got half way down the street, when it started to sprinkle. Raincoats and pram covers on. When the rain got heavier, much heavier, we realised we would have to turn back. So, a day at the library and cap-of-machinos after, we ruined. We managed to entertain ourselves, passing the time by colouring in printed pages, and having quick jumps on the trampoline during brief interludes in the wind and rain.

The weather tricked us in the afternoon, when the Sun came out for a mere five minutes, the sky had blue patches and the grey clouds were blowing away. Quickly we got ready - which is never quite as quick as anticipated with a baby and three-year old. A lovely walk down the big hill, then afternoon tea at a lovely cafe/bookshop. Walking home - up that hill - was so wonderful due to the rain that fell onto our faces. Ari was covered in the pram - where he fell asleep at 5pm and slept all night 'til 5am (he got Sam out of bed, not me). Mishi was snuggly wrapped in the sling and covered by the froggy raincoat where she also slept. Sam + I got pleasantly soaked!

This post was finally published 7th January, 2008. Hmmm, still parts of our kitchen aren't quite finished. Those final little bits that are needed for a dramatic conclusion.