Creative making, Tutorials Ellie ~ Petalplum Creative making, Tutorials Ellie ~ Petalplum

Crochet basket FREE tutorial and how I film my videos

I hope that these funny behind the scenes moments can remind you to go off and do things that you've been a bit too scared to try..... that you've worried you don't have the right tools, or the right knowledge to make it work. Just go ahead give it a go, make that mistake, step over the bridge. I promise that once you start you'll find it gets easier and easier to keep on going. 

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Creative making Ellie ~ Petalplum Creative making Ellie ~ Petalplum

The Fearless Quilt : as story unfolding for life

The Fearless Quilt came to be quite unexpectedly, as does the nature of some things. Divine Inspiration, being open to the muse, listening & actioning, being guided..... or simply following along a path (however wonky & meandering it has been & will be) that you set out on some time ago. It doesn't matter how a thing comes to you, I think what matters is how to receive it and what you do with it, and where you take it, and how you hold it. 

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