Well, I managed to get all the presents finished on time! A few had their final touches added on Christmas morning :: but they were all done and wrapped, with enough time to get out the door for family lunch. Ultimately, I'm quite proud of the presents we gave this year. I'm pleased that I managed to stick to my (mostly) handmade for all the family. We did get Lego for Ari - his first 'big boy' Lego, rather than the Duplo we have and love playing with. And boxer shorts for Sam were purchased, rather than made.
Crayon Rolls for the kids :: I really like the fabric combinations for these :: the kids really liked the People Pops they found inside!
Placemats for Sam's parents :: 

and his brother + girlfriend
and a painting each from Ari, plus some chocolates ::
A last minute gift for my Grandma. I can't belive that I forgot to make anything for her, considering she was spending the day with us - something that doesn't usually happen. I made her a little bag / pouch thing, for her to put her magnifying glass into. She has a degenerative eye cancer, so only has periferal vision, which means she can't read menus or see people so clearly. She carries her magnifying glass with her everywhere, yet seems to always be searching for it in her bag. I used Alexander Henry birdseed in bright yellow with a red trim and pale green inside, hopefully it'll be easy to spot in her handbag.
I didn't get the apron made for Ari that I had planned. My Grandma bought a play kitchen for the kids to share. (She gave the money, so I got to choose what I wanted). I'm hoping to get a little apron made for Ari over the next week or so.
Also, no new Christmas outfits were completed. Seeing as how I never get to go clothes shopping, and have no clothes (that fit me since having babies!), I have been hoping and hoping to make some new things for myself. And I would have loved to make a new Christmas outfit for Mishi (at least), but that too wasn't achieved.
I have to stop making myself feel so bad about the lack of time, energy, motivation, space issue I have with sewing. Possibly, though, I should stop buying fabric until I start using what I have!