what you need & what you don’t need

Starting something new is overwhelming. I totally understand that. Be it a website, creating newsletters, writing your online course or taking the step into using social media. I think it’s important to take things off our to-do lists as well, so I get clear on what is & what isn’t working in your business and your life. I’ll give you permission to stop posting on facebook or instagram, or provide ways to bring the joy back to those spaces.

You’ll receive clear actionable tips, insights & advice from me that works for you as a person, a creative soul & a business owner. Sometimes I’m challenging and will push you in new directions, but always when I know you’re ready.

Ellie ~ Petalplum

Educator, textile artist, maker, writer, photographer, creativity coach & bespoke web designer (among quite a few other things). 
I love working with textiles, natural dyes & slow mindful moments, as well as guiding creatives (artists, crafters, photographers, alternatives therapies) on how to best share their work, voice & authentic self with their community & audience. 

Mama to 3, live in Northern NSW, Australia

Instagram @petalplum


resources, ideas & magic making


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