breathing whispers like dreaming

breathing whispers
like dreaming

the soft just out of reach
gentle knowing feel

a sparkle when it shifts
into focus
but just as I think
I have a grasp, 
a memory, a hold

it slips away.
not wanting ever to be fully knowing or understood
in it's true full sense.

instead sharing glimpses

just enough for me to want more. To
dream again

Ellie ~ Petalplum

Educator, textile artist, maker, writer, photographer, creativity coach & bespoke web designer (among quite a few other things). 
I love working with textiles, natural dyes & slow mindful moments, as well as guiding creatives (artists, crafters, photographers, alternatives therapies) on how to best share their work, voice & authentic self with their community & audience. 

Mama to 3, live in Northern NSW, Australia

Instagram @petalplum

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