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giveaway - reminder

Just a quick reminder that my giveaway is still open. I think I'll pick a winner this weekend sometime. So - enter by leaving a comment over here or even just here. 

:: Some other things ::
:: It's been raining in Brisbane for a few days now. Not as terrible as some other parts of the world
:: The washing is still sitting wet on the clothes line, while I slowly dry it in batches on our little heater. 
:: It's a public holiday today in Brisbane. Due to the EKKA (the show day - which I have never been to, and have told my kids I'll never go to. Ever. I will admit that I have been to the much smaller show of the town I grew up in, and will possibly take my kids there one day. But, of course, there'll be no show bags). Tomorrow is a day off school as well (so that the kids all have more time to get to the show, I imagine.. Or recover from it, or something.).
:: Today we bought the foam to go on our screen printing table, for the new studio space. Don't know when it'll all get put together (as I'm need Sam's help, and he doesn't have as many days off for recovery as the kids). Hopefully I will be printing again ...... soon. 
:: The kids are currently playing shops and doctors. It's so good to hear them playing nicely together; as lately there's been some not nice behaviour coming from Ari. (Due to being a big school boy or not, we're not sure). 
:: The house is half a mess, as we have been rearranging furniture and things are still to be put away properly. But what's done is really good - Sam and I now share a big desk. Nice to be sitting next to him while we are both working at our computers. 
:: That's all. Must vacuum the floors, as we are having a visitor here for the night.

Enjoy your middle-of-the-week-day.