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Creating a new open-hearted world

Creating a new world - do you think that's possible? A world where people want to live with their hearts broken and open, raw and vulnerable? ⠀

Here I am. Working on ways to find some small amount of balance, in this wonky world. I know the odds are on my side, but golly - that moon last week, combined with the thought of Mother's Day, added to ⠀
I spent way too many hours last week bawling my eyes out, crying, letting tears spill over and slip down my cheeks. Basically my heart was so raw and open anything and everything made me cry. Yep - one of those intense weeks. ⠀

Things feel a little more settled this week. And I came to some pretty big realisations over the weekend, that I might share one day - when I'm ready. ⠀

The thing I tell myself, and know to be true, is that 'life breaks your heart again and again, until it stays open'. And living with an open, raw, honest, vulnerable, exposed, full, overflowing, heart is the only way I can live now. ⠀

When every small moment is a miracle - the tiniest seeds sprouting in my garden, the beat of the wings of a flock of birds overhead, the heart-wrenching decision at us having to cut down a majestic tree too close to our house (the tears that erupted watching it fall), the butterfly quietly slowly dying in the grass on the roadside. The way my husband said 'maybe you just need a hug' and it was the most right thing he's said for a long time.⠀

How's your world going today? Are you crying or laughing or doing a strange combination of both. I think, things feel even a little more confusing with some restrictions being lifted or changed, wondering what that actually means.... and how it might affect us (short-term and long-term). Maybe I'm just a little worried to go back to "normal", and want to know that we're stepping into a new way of being. And not repeating our old habits.

{Stories from ‘Love in the time of Corona’ - also published here on Instagram, where you can read some beautiful comments, conversations and connections.}