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weekly update :: kids

Lots of at-home busyness this past week. Lots of kids play and creativeness - drawing, painting, building lego factories and rockets. Enjoying lots of new books from the library - lots of laughs with " Walter the Farting Dog", and discovering new-to-us Pamela Allen stories. Lots of dressing up, too, this week. Some lengths of fabric that I wasn't going to use for sewing have been turned into anything from dressing as the moon, clouds, rain, rivers, wombats, turtles, kimonos :: endless ideas and play.

And water play - to try to ease these hot Summer days we've been having. Tubs of water, with sponges and cups and heaps of smiles as things are tipped and spilt and coloured icecubes melt down into puddles.

Wearing her new birthday clothes. A lovely cotton knit dress from my sister + dad (from Seed). And these beautiful pants that Momo made for her - they fit perfectly, and are such a great cut. Really love new outfits for my girl! (Sorry about the not-too-focused photo).

And this week, also, a few quiet moments for some mama time!