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right now {small journey}

right now ::

it's Saturday. 1st October. Can you believe that it's already October! That happened simply too too quickly.

raining. hailing. sunshine. rainbows. all at once. outside in the sky. inside with the children.

[Mish + I are visiting with Leah, S, E + T].

I had these images on my desktop. The middle one is mine, a project I am s.l.o.w.l.y working on. Perhaps it won't be happen until next year, when I can dedicate enough computer time to it. The middle + top images came from here.

I've made up a reason why these images work together..... Do they? Of course, if I say so!
+ I am doing many projects, in my head. They all seem to be hurrying to a need-to-be-ready now date. I'll start the actual making quite very soon. When it gets to the last minute panic moment, I guess.
+ My life is made up with lots of small journeys at the moment. I'm really learning to enjoy the small journeys, and know that step-by-step and moment-by-moment they'll take me somewhere. somewhere. somewhere. slowly. 
+ I do sort of feel like that little ant trapped inside a bubble. It's quiet in my bubble. No blogland. No outside noise. The sound of my own breathing. Of course, I also have the sound of the breathing/living/being of my family. But they are part of my breathing. Like an ant I cannot live without them. We are one. I am alive inside this bubble. And thriving. But one day I do hope that I can pop through to experience that wonderful purple flower/leaf/world outside the bubble.

So; right now I am waiting for inspiration, in my own little bubble, walking a slow journey. Right now.

Enjoy your weekend my friends. xx