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lofty goals

I keep telling myself, quietly in my head, that I really want to start and complete just a few lovely quilts for my family before our next Winter. (It's just coming up to Summer here, so I have at least six or so months).
I'm thinking a lovely blue-ish sort of one for Ari. I've even been collecting the fabrics, not sure if they're right or not, but I suppose i should make a start anyway to see how it will go.

There's one I made for Mishi quite a while ago, in pinks and greens (some old Joel Dewberry and just as 'vintage' Amy Butler), which still hasn't been bound. We do use it, on our couch, with the horrible edges poking out - but the fear of learning how to bind it is putting me off finishing it.
I'm wanting something very special to make for Sam's + my bed. Perhaps some beautiful soft creamy white hemp. I've been thinking of white, black and grey. Hemp, organic cotton and hand screen printed images - very intriguing sorts of ideas, something a bit obscure with detail that you have to look closely at. Of course, it will turn out quite differently than the vague images in my head.
And then I'd like to have a couple of little lap quilts, for our couch. For snuggling and reading or hand sewing or perhaps even finishing off some crochet (I started late in Winter, and may finish some time next Winter?!).
Not to mention one that I've been working on since May. Stitching by hand, slowly here and there. Which lately hasn't had any hands touching it, and does need some more attention to be finished so it can go to it's intended new owner.

Tiel is so much further along on her quilt list. I actually remember seeing (at least a year or more ago) her doing some hand piecing on the one she talks about having sitting on her bed. It makes me realise that we all continue to add things to our long list of to-dos, while we are all so caught up in reality of daily living. And how things so easily continue to be put away, especially lovely quiet quilts that don't demand our daily attention. 
Amanda looks like she's so very close to fulfilling her high Summer wish of completing five knitted jumpers for her family for her Winter. Throughout a busy-filled year, she has taken moments here and there to work on her pieces. Reminding me that each moment really does count; that things can be completed bit by slow tiny bit, and I don't need to expect to start and finish something at once. 

I'd love to hear your quilt, knitting, crochet, sewing to-do list. The plans that you have, be they dreams or closer to reality. What are you making?